Maintain oral health & prevent complications with regular dental cleanups.
Prioritizing dental hygiene is essential in warding off numerous oral health challenges, such as tooth decay or periodontal disease. A radiant and healthy smile is everyone's pride and joy, but achieving and maintaining this standard often demands a touch of professional care. At Zenon, we understand that consistent and proper oral hygiene is the definitive path to enjoying a vibrant smile throughout one's lifetime.
While daily brushing and flossing are foundational in thwarting a myriad of dental ailments, often our best efforts might fall short of the intensive care our teeth need. Employing improper techniques or using unsuitable toothbrushes and toothpaste might inadvertently harm our teeth.
That's why, at Zenon, we're proud to introduce the Swiss GBT Protocol, a cutting-edge approach to oral hygiene that incorporates the use of a separate EMS machine. This innovative technique is not your usual hygiene routine; it's up-to-date technology designed to be gentle on your teeth while providing exceptional results.
Post-treatment, there are no specific recovery needs. We emphasize the importance of continuing good oral hygiene practices at home and encourage regular visits for sustained oral health.
Dental hygiene stands as an indispensable route to a gleaming and robust smile, a regimen that's advocated both as a preventive measure and a component of comprehensive dental care by modern dentists. At Zenon, we proudly offer top-tier dental hygiene services, encompassing both orthodontic treatments with braces and as an individual service.